The Denton Dukes and Bennetts Project (DD&B) is an ongoing effort to document and share the history of the Duke and Bennett Families of the Denton-Snipesville area of Jeff Davis County, Georgia, as well as their ancestors, their descendants, and families associated with them genealogically, socially, geographically, or otherwise.
The DD&B is a collective endeavor by and for the descendants of the Dukes and Bennetts, and serves as a forum for family history and fellowship.
Descendants of Ed Bennett (c.1881 - 1973)
& Ida Corbitt Bennett (1885 - 1948).
Descendants of Marcellus A. Duke (1853 - c.1920)
& Catherine ("Kate") Taylor Duke (1865 - 1928).
The Satilla River Saints Project is a collaborative effort to research, document, and share the history of one of the Wiregrass Region's most unique cultural communities: the century-old congregations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), concentrated along the upper Satilla River, in Atkinson, Coffee, and Ware Counties, Georgia.
The project's primary focus centers on three branches of the LDS Church, which together served as flagship congregations for what would become a thriving regional movement. They were the Satilla / Axson Branch, more commonly known as Utah Church or Little Utah, which met just north of McDonald (now Axson) in what is now Atkinson County; the Cumorah / Douglas Branch, often called 'Cumorah Church,' which met a few miles southeast of Douglas, in Coffee County; and the Waycross Branch, which met at several sites over time in Waycross, Ware County.